Hi Everyone, Rutgers- New Brunswick will be hosting the MidAtlantic ACF Regionals February 14, 2003. Here's the relevant info: Registration will begin at 8:30 am in Room 210 of Murray Hall on the College Ave Campus. Rounds should begin around 9. All packets should be sent to me at rsbhan _at_ hotmail.com. Every team in attendance will be required to submit a packet except for the following: Teams composed entirely of first- and second-year players. Teams that have not attended an ACF Regional Tournament in two or more years. C teams and lower (all A and B teams are required to submit a packet unless they meet the exemptions above). Each packet should contain 25 toss-up and 25 bonus questions. The distribution is as follows: Literature #150; 5/5 Science #150; 5/5 History #150; 5/5 Religion/Mythology/Philosophy #150; 3/3 Fine Arts #150; 3/3 Social Science #150; 2/2 Miscellaneous (either literature, science, or history) #150; 2/2 In addition to the above categories, teams may opt to submit 1/1 additional pop culture questions, though there is no guarantee that these will be used. Please make sure your questions are diversified within each category (e.g. at least 1 physics, 1 chemistry, and 1 biology per 5 science questions) and are free from spelling and grammatical errors. Please refer to the ACF Question Writing Guidelines and Supplement when putting your packet together. These can be found at http://www.dpo.uab..edu/~paik/acf/columns.html. The packet submission deadlines are as follows: -$30 for packets submitted by December 15, 2003 -$20 for packets submitted by January 4, 2004 -$10 for packets submitted by January 14, 2004 No penalty for packets submitted by February 3, 2004 +$50 for packets submitted after February 3, 2004 Other money stuff: Base fee is $100 Extra teams: -$5/team Working Buzzer: -$10/buzzer Moderator: -$10/moderator Travel: -$10 for 200 miles or more, as determined by mapquest Please email me at rutgersacademic (at) yahoo. com to let me know you're coming or to ask for more details. Hope to see you in February! Emily Hartmann President, RUAT --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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