Hey everyone, this is an informal announcement of our upcoming
Brandeis is honored to be hosting the 2004 NAQT Northeast Sectionals
on its campus in Waltham, MA on Feb 7, 2004. Specific location on
campus is still to be determined.
There WILL be seperate DI and DII fields, and we can accomodate as
many teams as wish to attend, be it 4 or 40. I forsee each team
playing between 12-14 matches in 12-15 rounds, in the format of round-
robin followed by a rebracketing. Our last tournament followed this
common format and went off without a hitch, and we anticipate smooth
sailing here as well.
Fees: Exact fees are TDB, but anticipate a base fee of $110-120, with
10 off for a buzzer, 20-30 off for each additional team, and 10-15
off for bringing a reader. In the past we have been INCREDIBLY
lenient about fees and swapping or lopping off money from the tab if
needed, so let me know. I most want teams to play, and if that means
getting 30 dollars less in the deal, so be it.
Any questions about the tournament, e-mail me please at danpass _at_
brandeis . edu (without the spaces obviously). I will give more info
as I get it.
Dan Passner