So far I have received some interest from various teams for Georgia
Tech's MLK tournament to be held January 10. This is who I have so
far, tentatively:
Division I
South Carolina A
Virginia ?
Kentucky ?
Division II
Georgia Perimeter A
Georgia Perimeter B
South Carolina B
Virginia ?
Athens State A?
Athens State B?
Georgia Tech
Kentucky ?
Northwest Shoals Community College 1?
We also have one extra player who may be a free agent from Georgia
Tech, so if you are looking on forming a mixed team and playing we
will accomodate.
This list is at this point very tentative. Remember, there is a $10
discount for teams who have not attended a Georgia Tech tournament
(since last year's MLK) and an additional discount for travel. Full
details are available on our website at
If you are interested please e-mail me, Stephen Webb, at sdwebb91984
at yahoo dot com.
Many thanks,
Stephen Webb
2004 MLK TD