The 2004 NAQT Canadian Sectional tournament will be held on February 7, 2004 (Saturday only) at the University of Western Ontario. I am sure there will be more than enough teams to split up Division I and Division II; I think all the Canadian teams would be Division II. Depending on how many teams there are, we may split up the divisions between two buildings. As usual, we will be using University College as a base, but we can also use nearby Somerville House if necessary. Tournament fees: First team: $100 Second team: $90 ($80 for a third team, etc) Discounts: Buzzers: $10 Moderators: $10 Clocks: $10 The minimum fee is $50 per team. Packets will be available after the tournament for $25 (for a set of 18 packets). Of course, games will follow NAQT rules, no matter how many teams in each division we have. This means we'll need clocks - we don't have any, so you are encouraged to bring some. If possible, it would also be great to have some volunteer readers. Our readers are adequate for untimed tournaments, but faster readers will be very helpful. To register, or if you have any other questions, e-mail me with all the necessary info at ambishop_at_... (ambishop at uwo dot ca). Maps and directions to UWO, as well as hotel information can be found at: This announcement can also be seen at: Updates will be posted to the Yahoo group, as well as that webpage. Thanks! Adam Bishop UWO Quiz Bowl
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