Wichita State will be hosting our 8th annual High School Quizbowl
tournament on Saturday, January 24th. We already have 70 teams
registered and are expecting more in the weeks to come. For anyone
that is interested in helping us staff this event I offer the
FREE breakfast - Krispy Kreme, coffe, and orange juice
FREE lunch - most likely pizza, subs, etc.
FREE lodging - "crash space" is available with many club members
FREE gasoline - we'll do our best to cover your round-trip fuel cost
FREE pick up and drop off at the airport if you fly
FREE BEER - following the event I will be making a much-needed trip
to a local watering hole. For those that join me I'll pick up the
tab for the first 2 rounds or so. Rain checks will be accepted for
those that instead wish to get an early start at heading back home.
Please reply to wsuquizbowl(at)hotmail.com if you'd like to take part
in our little party on the prairie.
Vic D'Amico