On behalf of a few teams that might be interested, I am entertaining
the thought of running a college competition at Duke on the weekend
of March 27 among the Duke, UNC, NC State, and Wake Forest teams (as
well as any other teams in the vicinity that might be willing to
come like Matt Weiner/VCU and South Carolina, from whom I have
already heard).
I would like to know if there are any other teams that might be
interested (noting of course that most of you are on exams or going
into exams), and secondly if there are any college competitions that
are out there that wouldn't mind us mirroring their event that
weekend. The difficulty level that is preferred should be
appropriate for undergraduate-level/NAQT Division 2/CC play, though
I know these events will come right before the nationals in April so
this would be a good opportunity prior to anyone going to those
nationals to get some practice in.
Ideally, I'd like to make a final decision/announcement before mid-
January on whether it is feasible to do this. I'm still waiting for
the various NC contingents to all report in, so if it's a good
weekend for all of them, it will likely go.