> From: qbtunagirl
> I myself have trouble getting
> an accurate count of all the other female players in the game because
> so many of them look like clones of Pat from Saturday Night Live.
All I can say to this, based on most of the QB women I've met, is ...
> Besides, let's not flatter ourselves and mistake annoying and
> socially inept behavior from malodorous 30 year old, 300 lb austistic
> freaks (of either gender) as some sign of romantic affection.
While your post was intended to be humorous to some extent, try not to
make these insulting blanket remarks about autistics. It's exactly
equivalent to a blanket insult directed at a racial, ethnic, or
religious group. Which ain't cool.
Doug -- mildly autistic, introverted, obsessed with having good
personal hygiene, one girlfriend