Hi All. Well, I lost my trip to New York last
night. After praying to the quiz gods to spare me pop
music questions, my first question was to arrange the
words of an 1984 song. Has anyone heard of "No More
Lonely Nights"? Or at least, I hope that's what the
title is. The question that got me was arrange the
islands west to east: mallorca, sardinia, silicy, crete.
I had no idea where mallorca was. The Spanish
exchange student here explained to me this morning that
Michael Douglas has a summer home there, as does the
King. Well, there's always next time.
On another
note, has there been any word on DeAffiliation Bowl?
I'm going (weather permitting) to Durham anyway this
weekend to visit friends, but I have been waiting to hear
if I'll be playing (and losing miserably) in a
tournament too or not.