Hey everyone, Dan Passner of Brandeis (Waltham, MA) Quiz Bowl here.
TRASHionals are a mere four months+ away and some of us need
practice, but can't travel all the way down to Michigan to get our
fix. It is with this in mind that I announce our underground
tourney, BUTT.
Since the Ann B Davis people did not get back to me, we will be
using questions from the latest TRASHmasters. We already have a few
teams expressing interest. We could use any willing readers, though
what will likely end up happening is teams will read during byes.
There are 19 rounds of questions, so we can go as long as people
Fees: It will probably be around 30 a team just so that we can cover
some basic room costs and whatnot. Teams with buzzers, hopefully you
could bring them? This is a non-profit tourney, I am putting it
together so that we can get some more competition in, and trust me
there will be some good competition there (already players from 6 of
the top 7 teams in the NE are committed.)
So, let me know. My e-mail is danpass _at_ brandeis . edu (no spaces of
course). We will take any team that wants to play, and we ain't just
in it for de monieez.