The following is the current field as of 1:59 AM EST for Georgia
Tech's second annual MLK (sic) Tournament:
South Carolina A
South Carolina B
Athens State
Georgia Tech
Kentucky A
Kentucky B
Kentucky C
Wallowing in our own Crapulence
If you are on this list and shouldn't be or aren't and should, please
e-mail me at sdwebb91984 at yahoo dot com to correct my error.
The last team is a bastard team comprised of Raj Dhuwalia, Chris
Borglum, Joshua Hill and Marcus Ballenger (?) that will not be in the
running for any team awards, although they will still qualify for
individual awards.
The playoff picture is still fluid and dependent upon any last-minute
additions and day-of situations, but we have several contingency plans
laid out, so the lack of current determination is immaterial. Worry
not, quiz bowl community, we are on the ball.
Belated Happy New Year's
Stephen Webb
2004 GT MLK (sic) TD