Back with a vengeance and by popular demand, TRASH Presents Follow
That Junior Bird is coming this fall!
Who is eligible to play at TRASH Presents Follow That Junior Bird?
-- College undergrads
-- Schools who have never competed in TRASH/trash tournaments
-- "Open" players who are new to TRASH (this includes bar trivia
players, trivia hobbyists and the like)
Questions will be written by a combination of TRASH and veteran
players. Several people who have expressed interest in writing for
TRASH plan to pen at least one packet for Follow That Junior Bird,
how about you?
If you are interested in hosting a Follow That Junior Bird
tournament, e-mail me at jdinan_at_...
If you are interested in writing a packet for Follow That Junior
Bird, e-mail me as well.
The date for the tournament is somewhat open-ended. With TRASH
Regionals tentatively scheduled for November, TRASH would like Follow
That Junior Bird to be held in September or October.
James Dinan
Business Manager, TRASH