Hey there everybody! This is just a reminder that we will be hosting
a quaint little underground TRASH tourney on the 17th of January
using questions from TRASHmasters. E-mail me at danpass _at_ brandeis .
edu (remove spaces) if interested. So far, I have the following
teams down as coming:
Mike HL/ Cooch/ Levit (Damn they'll be good.)
Brandeis (me, Chris Rantz, Rob)
Brandeis (Amy, Meh, ? , ?)
Brandeis (probably two more teams)
Erik Neilsen
Dartmouth (2 teams)
Penn (2 teams, still tentative)
Still room, as this is an underground tourney, so you will need to
bring buzzers if you have, and you may need to read during byes,
though we have a few set readers. Expect a per team fee to cover
costs (I got some great prizes.)
Hope to see you all there.