Just to clarify, the e-mail address in the previous post is quizbowl
_at_ mail.rochester.edu
--- In quizbowl_at_yahoogroups.com, madelman1 <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
> The University of Rochester's Thelion Society is proud to announce
> that it will be hosting the second edition of its high school
> tournament, the Flower City Invitational, on February 28, 2004. It
> will be held on the University of Rochester campus in beautiful
> Rochester, NY, and all high school teams are eligible to attend.
> questions will be provided by NAQT (Invitational Series #41), so
> please make sure that you have not played on, nor will play on, the
> set of questions that we will be using.
> The fees for the tournament are as follows:
> Base fee: $100
> Additional teams: $80/team
> Working set of buzzers: -$10
> Working clock: -$5
> Experienced moderator: -$10
> Minimum fee: $50/team
> I hope that you all will consider coming. To register your team,
> if you have any questions, please send an e-mail to
> quizbowl_at_m...
> Thank you for considering playing in the 2004 Flower City
> Invitational, and we all hope to see you in Rochester in February.
> Michael Adelman
> TD, 2004 Flower City Invitational