A lot has changed in the Georgia Tech MLK (sic) tournament in the past
few days. To get you up to speed, this is the current field:
Kentucky A
Kentucky B
Kentucky C
South Carolina A
South Carolina B
Furman A
Furman B
Athens State
Georgia Tech A
Georgia Tech B
Wallowing in our own Crapulence
Berry A
Berry B (?)
As you can see, there are thirteen definite teams, which is a prime
number, which can pose a headache for partitioning teams. If anybody
else is interested in coming you are as such welcome to do so.
This sudden burst in team interest has required more moderators than I
had, so if there are any experienced moderators in the metro Atlanta
area who are interested in moderating, please e-mail me at sdwebb91984
at yahoo dot com, your contribution will be rewarded with the comedy
of watching me spaz out like mad and free pizza for lunch.
Many thanks all,
Stephen Webb
2004 GaTech MLK TD