Hi all- The Swarthmore College Bowl Team is pleased to announce that it will be hosting QOTC XII: Poisoning Pigeons in the Crum, its annual mACF spring invitatonal, on March 20. Difficulty will be approximately ACF Regionals-level (we hope to challenge teams who need a tune-up for Nationals without completely befuddling those with no such plans), and a donut and juice breakfast and pizza lunch will be served. We will run the tournament with as few as seven or eight teams, though we hope to reach the 11-13 team range. If there are playoff questions, they may be more difficult than the round-robin, but we'll try to not make the jump as severe as it was last year. The finals will be tough. We are also interested in freelancers and packet swaps, interested parties should let me know at cwhite [at] swarthmore [dot] edu. Eligibility: (Read carefuly, it's a little different than many tournaments.) Anyone currently enrolled in a degree-granting college program is eligible to play. Since March 20 is spring break for many area teams, we will allow bastard teams to compete (and may allow masters teams as well) in the hope that schools otherwise unable to put together a full team because of spring break may combine forces. I am aware that this more lenient policy towards nontraditional teams may be off-putting to less experienced teams that wish to attend. To mitigate this, we will offer an undergrad title to the highest placing team composed entirely of undergraduate students from the same school. (All the teams will compete together.) Fees: Base fee: $100 Base fee for undergrad teams: $90 B teams: $80 C,D teams: $70 Buzzer: -$10 Moderator: -$10 Extra Pizza: +$10 (remember, each team already gets one.) Packet Requirements: All teams not composed entirely of first-year players are expected to submit a full packet. I am willing to work with less experienced teams to fulfill these requirements. Discounts/Penalties: -$25 off if turned in by noon, Friday Jan. 30 -$10 off "..." noon, Friday Feb. 6 -$0 off "..." noon, Friday Feb. 20 +$10 extra "..." noon, Friday Feb. 27 +$20 extra "..." noon, Friday March 5 +$35 extra "..." noon, Tuesday March 16. No packets will be accepted after this date. Guidelines/Distribution: We are asking for 25 tossups and 25 boni with a difficulty approximately equal to ACF Regionals. Basic guidelines can be found at http://www.inform.umd.edu/StudentOrg/maqt/acf/documents.html. If you have any more questions (about difficulty or style, for instance), you can contact me at cwhite2 [at] swarthmore [dot] edu. Literature- 5/5 (At least 1/1 each on American, British/Commonwealth, and non-English lit. Be sure to spread the questions over a number of time periods.) Science- 5/5 (At least 1/1 each on biology, chemistry, and physics. At least one question on math, and other disciplines may also be included, though are not required. No more than 1/1 science history.) History- 5/5 (Be sure to spread the questions over a number of cultures and time periods. *Serious* current events may be included, up to 1/1.) Religion, Philosophy, Mythology- 2/3 or 3/2 (Roughly even split between the three areas; be sure to spread the questions over a number of cultures and time periods.) Fine Arts- 2/3 or 3/2 (At least 1/1 each on classical music and visual arts. Serious film, dance, and jazz may also be included.) Social Sciences/Geography- 2/2 (At least 1/1 must be in the social sciences; no more than 1 question per each social science. The social sciences include, but are not limited to, psychology, ecomonics, sociology, linguistics, archaeology, and political science.) Trash/ General Knowledge/Sports- 2/2 (Try to spread the questions out over different subcategories; GK includes interdisciplinary questions as well as, for example, tossups with answer "is". Trashy current events go here.) Your Choice- 1/1 (Anything you want. The questions should be in two different categories; fine arts, r/p/m, and social sciences are especially encouraged.) Format: Keep categories separated; boni prompts should be marked off simply by a carriage return and the number of points the prompt is worth in square brackets; answers should be marked off by ANSWER: and a space, boldface all essential parts. Email them to me at cwhite2 [at] swarthmore [dot] edu. Thanks, Chris White Swarthmore College Bowl
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