SSI will be held on the campus of the University of Florida in
Matherly Hall, the same place as the last two years. To get there,
take I-75 to the Newberry Road exit, exit 287, and drive east to SW
13th Street. On your right you will pass the football stadium and the
library, which is currently closed for renovations, which means we
can't park there.
So, take a right on SW 13th street to the next light. There, take
another right, onto campus. A fountain will be in front of you. Go to
the right of that fountain, and park anywhere where there is not a
sign specifically forbidding it. The Carpool parking spaces are open
on the weekends. From the parking lot, walk towards Criser Hall (the
building to the W) and there will be a passageway between the
accounting and business schools, leading north. If you walk north
along the passageway, you will reach Matherly Hall.
Registration will begin at 8am. Breakfast (donuts, muffins, OJ) will
be served. We hope to start rounds 9ish and be done by 5-6ish.
Later tonight or tommorrow I will post a list of teams and game
structure. If you have any questions on this please email me. Thanks
very much, Kevin Comer, Tournament Director.