Hello, all. For now, expect the GLRAC to be on March 20. Unless I
hear something from the people in charge of room control, this will
be the date of the tourney. Unfortunately, I have spoken with the
people in charge of rooms and we cannot move the tournament to March
27 since there are other organizations at Case that need the rooms
and if it's moved further back into April, then it begins to conflict
with the College Trivia Club's traveling schedule. Based on the
feedback, we also cannot move the tournament to March 13 because
there are other tournaments going on in the area. I understand that
this does provide a conflict for some of you and we hope that you
still are able to come to Case's tournament. For those of you who
will still be able to attend our tournament, expect the information
to come out sometime near Buzzerpalooza.
Thank you all for your understanding and feedback and we hope to see
you all at Case!
Jeff Hanson
Case College Trivia President