(Apologies to all -- I have been lax in my quizmasterly duties. 50-hour workweeks on the ol' day job'll do that to you.) Striving again to maintain the cosmic balance between higher education and popular culture, the UTC Academic Trivia Association will host its fifth annual ACF Detox one-day trash tournament on Sun., Feb. 15, 2004. That's the day after ACF Southeast Regionals (also at UTC; if you don't have the earlier message and want details on ACF Regionals, let me know) and will help ease the culture shock that can follow an academic tournament. TIME & PLACE: To help those with long drives home, we'll start earlier on Sun. 2/15: registration at 8:30AM, announcements at 8:55, and play beginning at 9 AM. When will we finish? Depends on how many teams we have, but based on past experience, we hope to be at least into the playoffs by 5 PM. Tournament headquarters will be in room 201 (Card Family Auditorium) in the new Engineering, Computer Science, and Mathematics Building on the UTC campus. ELIGIBILITY: This tournament is open to all sentient beings regardless of school status, opposable thumb, etc. Teams do not have to have any academic affiliation. If you want to play, and you tell me in time, and you submit a packet or make arrangements otherwise, you're in. If you want to make yourself available as a free agent to join a team -- or if you have a partial team in need of free agent help -- let me know and I'll pass the word. FORMAT: 20 questions per round, untimed. Packet submission required unless arranged in advance (see guidelines and timetables below.) Teams will be four players each, with alternates OK as long as there are no substitutions in mid-match. Depending on the number of teams, the format will be round robin or bracketed round robin. This of course means I need to know the number of teams in advance. FEES: In light of the late notice, we'll handle packet discounts/penalties a bit differently than usual. Base fee $80 per team; assumes full packet (25 and 25, see below for specs) is submitted by midnight Mon., Feb. 2, 2004. Minimum fee after discounts $50 per team. Discounts: - $10 if at least 1/2 the team also played in ACF SE Regionals Sat. 2/14; - $5 if only on team member did - $10 for an experienced reader (*or* said reader can join us for dinner at Provino's after ACF Regionals Sat. night 2/14 if they'd prefer) - $5 for a working buzzer (additional - $5 for a second buzzer if it turns out we need it) - $10 for full-time official status at ACF Regionals 2/14 Penalties: + $10 for packet submitted after Feb. 2 but before midnight Sun., Feb. 8 + $20 for packet submitted after Feb. 8 but before midnight Tues., Feb. 10 (only accepted by prior arrangement) + $30 for no packet at all (must be arranged in advance; open to limited numbers of teams) Minimum fee (even with multiple discounts) $50 per team. PACKETS: To simplify editing of the inevitable numerous duplicates, each packet submitted needs to contain at least 25 tossup and 25 boni. Visual or tactile boni will be accepted if possible; physical challenges and audio questions won't. While we do not wish to constrain the creative bounds of a trash round, here are loose distribution guidelines: Number Category 2 - 4 Movies 2 - 4 TV 2 - 4 Sports 2 - 4 Music 1 - 3 Trashy "literature" 1 - 3 Trashy current events No more than 2 each: Computer games & other computer stuff Comics, comic strips, etc. Food & beverage Potent potables Toys Gadgets Board games Roadside America Anything else you deem trashy enough is fine as long as there are no more than two questions per as-yet-unnamed category. For directions, check the ACF Regionals announcement or e-mail me at steinhic [at] bellsouth [dot] net.
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