Bloody hell yeah there would have been overlap
between TRASH and ACF.
A year ago, I vowed I would
make it to ACF Nationals for my last year, even if I
had to play solo. The conflict would have put me in a
sticky spot, since I am a) a writer for TRASH and b) a
student at the host school.
Although I cannot
guarantee overlap in personal, here is a partial list of
schools who played in the 1999 ACF Nationals and who are,
to the best of my knowledge, are or might be heading
to TRASHionals 2000:
Maryland, Oklahoma,
Iowa, Boston U, Michigan, Illinois, Northwestern. I am
probably missing a couple, and some of these school may
end up not going, but still, that's about a third of
the field from 1999 ACF Nats.
Plus, consider
the staffing and logistical problems. If it were the
same weekend, I can see several schools trying to send
squads to both tournaments. Who gets to bring the buzzer
system? Those who would play in one might consider
staffing in another. Some of the great free-lance
moderators out there are probably planning on actually
playing in TRASHionals.
In my opinion, stick ACF
on the same weekend as College Bowl. You'll have
less overlap there.