Yesterday, 24 teams competed at the Sunshine State Invitational at
the University of Florida. Results:
Division 1:
1. USF A
2. FSU
3. USF B
4. UNF
5. UTC
Mike Musgrove's Masters team went undefeated, though ineligible for
the title.
Division 2:
1. USF C
2. Furman
The top scorer in Division 1 was Chip Thomas from USF B, while the
top scorer in Division 2 was Sam Matson from Furman. Full results
will be posted later this week.
Thanks also to Aaron, Ethan, JD, Dr. Mike Butler, Dan, Rachel, Raj,
Nodya, Number 3, Joe, Kelly, Irina, Mike Swick, Mike Napier, Jeff,
Clark, Christianne, and everyone else who helped out at SSI to make
it a success.
Thanks, Kevin Comer, Tournament Director.