The 2004 Ann B. Davis #9 popular culture tournament was held on the
cryogenically preserved Central Campus of the University of Michigan. 21
teams from 14 different entities competed in a split round-robin with the
top three from each group heading on to single elimination playoffs.
Partially avenging their playoff loss from the previous year and despite
their difficulty with the alphabet, Win a Gerbil with Tad Hamilton! defeated
Glen or Glenda Campbell in the finals. Prizes included accidental book club
purchases, Aeroflot in-flight magazines and direct-to-video masterpieces.
To see full standings, and lots of other fun stuff, please check out:
Again, a hearty thanks to the numerous people who helped make this
tournament a success, including, but not limited to both our out-of-town
staffers who came in for the occasion and our Michigan players and program
alumni who did a great job on a back-to-back over the MLK weekend.
Questions, comments, want to trade/buy the questions, please contact me at
cdbarker at yahoo dot com and we'll make sure things get taken care of
straight away.
On behalf of tournament director Mike Burger, I'm Craig Barker
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