And now the moments youve all been waiting for: Everything is set as of right now for the NAQT 4yr tournament this if NAQT would only send the questions. As of today here are the teams and their respective divisions. All placements for the divisions were done by a blind drawing: Division I: 1-Tulane A (UG) 2-South FL A 3-Florida A 4-South FL B (UG) 5-Vanderbilt 6-Emory 7-South Carolina 8-Tennessee (UG) Division II- Bismarck 1-Florida B 2-North FL 3-UGA 4-Furman A 5-Macon A 6-Kentucky 7-Morehouse 8-UTC Division II- Hood 1-Berry 2-Athens St 3-Tulane B 4-Furman B 5-NC State 6-Wofford 7-Macon B FORMAT: Because NAQT requires to give yall at least 11 games, DI and DII will both play a double round robin (winner take all in DI). In the case of DII, Bismarck will play one more game seeing as they have 8 teams compared to the Hood's 7 teams. In DII the winner of Bismarck and Hood would then square off to determine the DII winner. I tried round robin and split divisions, but that only gave me ten at the most, and as I said at the beginning, NAQT requires at least 11. So be prepared for a long grueling (yet fun) day. Schedule: Here is how the beginning of the day will go: 8am - 845am: Registration of teams, set up rooms (UGA crew), cement readers for the rooms 845: readers meeting 9 SHARP: Group meeting, go over formats, review rules 915ish: First round >From there, lunch will be determined by the rate we're going, but I would like it to be somewhere near the middle of the double RR. You will get 1 hour 15 minutes for lunch for certain. When will we end? Who knows, but I hope to be done sometime around 6- 630pm. If we can keep the turnaround times tight, it will work. SITE: The site for this melee is the brand new UGA Student Learning Center, located in the heart of the campus next to the Tate Student Center and Sanford Stadium. For info on directions and floorplans, visit ( If you need more detailed directions (esp for those coming long distances), please let me know. (I will tell you this though...DO NOT GET ON THE ATHENS LOOP!) FRIDAY REGISTRATION: For those who are coming in Friday night, I have an option for you. If you will let me know where youre staying and when you expect to be in, I will gladly come to you hotel and get your team(s) registered so you can have a few extra minutes in the morning. Feel free to call my apt 706-583-1788 or my cell 770- 337-0339 (the better of the two) and tell me youre in town. Also, feel free to email me your travel plans and we can also work from there. I get off of work at 3pm and am will probably be running around town getting things set up, so please do not hesitate to call. Also, if youre dirving in that morning and are running a bit behind, please use the cell number as well so I wont begin to freak out. WEATHER: Friday High 61-Low 38 with rain (70%) Saturday: High 44- Low 26 with wind. Of course we all know how the weather can be, but I doubt there will be any of the stuff that has plaugued this area in the last couple of weeks. THINGS TO DO: Not much is happening in town sports wise, but there are theatres in be sure to see Youve Got Served before it leaves the theatres. If youre stumped, there's always downtown. OTHER: As of right now, I believe that is all I have. If you still have any questions, please let me know ASAP. **SCORERKEEPERS: For those teams in the Hood Division: be prepared to help out in keep score in the rooms during your bye round. If there is anyone out there in the ATL area that would still like to come up and help, we'll take you. Just let me know. ERRATA: If something concerning your team's division, UG classification or the like is wrong, please let me know ASAP. Thanks and see yall in Athens in two days! Robin J Richards UGA CBAT Quizdogs at uga dot edu UGAQuizdogs at bellsouth dot net
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