For the past four years, UTC has followed the Moon Pie (TM) Classic
with a trash tournament the next day, the RC Cola Classic. This year
that'd be Sun., April 25. We are tentatively planning to have it
again this year. However...
Given that we're hosting TRASHionals the weekend before, and many of
our usual trash players will be playing or officiating at TRASHionals,
I wanted to get a sense of how much interest there will be in an open
trash tournament the weekend after TRASHionals. Of course, one key
factor will be that the RC Cola is open, meaning that teams that
didn't qualify for TRASHionals will still get to scratch that itch.
Please e-mail me at steinhic [at] bellsouth [dot] net if you are
generally interested in attending this year's RC Cola Classic. Thanks.