I too noticed a slight error, actually in my favor this time :) But
it was within a standard deviation, so that's good enough.
I used to be among the most high-strung about stats. If they were
even one question off, I was down in the stat room trying to get it
Now that I coach a high school team full of students of similar
disposition, I've mellowed. I explain to them that there are two
sources of error. The moderators put things in the wrong column, and
then the data entry might get misread or mistyped. So I don't let
them complain unless it's grossly wrong.
While I'm thinking of it, does anybody in the Mid-Atlantic have a
tournament where masters/mixed teams are welcome? I'd like to play
some tournaments with my students. We wouldn't win too many rounds,
but it'd fun. (and before QOTC chimes in, you're the day of UD's
Blue Hen)