Here are some very brief results from the sectionals at UWO, while I have 10 minutes of free time: The five Division I teams (Rochester A and B, Pitt Shreveport Pirates, Toronto A, and McGill A) played a triple round-robin. Rochester B won the division, as well as the Division I Undergrad title. The 15 Division II teams (Rochester C, Carnegie Mellon A and B, Pitt Baltimore CFL Colts, Toronto B and C, McGill B and C, Ottawa A and B, Queen's A and B, Case Western, and McMaster A and B) played a single round-robin, at the end of which Carnegie Mellon A and Pitt Baltimore CFL Colts were tied with a 12-2 record. Carnegie Mellon the tiebreaker game. The Division I (and overall) high scorer was Fred Bush of Rochester A; I don't have the exact stats in front of me but he had about 85 PPG. The Division II high scorer was Elliott from Carnegie Mellon A, who had about 65 PPG. (Fred won some Yoda bath soap, as the DII teams finished first and took all the books we brought as prizes.) I'll try to have the full stats up by tomorrow. This was the biggest tournament we've held at UWO, so thanks to all the teams that came out, and all the moderators who came with them (Rico Catibog, Zhan Huan Zhou, Ron Nurwisah, George Flevares, Jeff Hanson, Doug O'Neal, and Dwight Kidder). Adam Bishop UWO Quiz Bowl
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