Hello everyone, It is about time to start making Nationals travel plans for many teams and we are interested in having as diverse and as large a field as possible at the University of Maryland on the second weekend of April, thus I am going to ask folks one more time whether they prefer a two day event (ie. friday evening and then sat.) or an all day saturday event. When I asked about this during the summer about 10 teams responded, all in favor of a two day event, so that is the way that Dave Hamilton, the fine hosts at Maryland, and I, are leaning, but if a host of people pipe up and want us to run an all-day extravaganza just on saturday that can be accomodated as well. I will announce if it will be one or two day depending on the feed back i get this week. So if you care about this please let me know by next monday, the 16thof february. Also, I will probably be sending out packet requirements and specifications for this year's incarnation of ACF Nationals in the next two weeks so that people will have plenty of time to craft their questions and make each other smile. If you have any questions about logistics, registering, and the like, please send them to dhamiltn (at) wam (dot) umd (dot) edu; if you have questions about, well, questions, or what Adam Kemezis really keeps under his fedora email me at eberdich (at) umich (dot) edu. Thanks, and good luck to all the Regionals participants this upcoming weekend, Ezequiel Berdichevsky Editor, ACF Nationals 2004
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