Princeton College Bowl will be hosting Buzzerfest VII on Saturday, April 24, 2004, in the Frist Campus Center. As in the past, it will be a standard ACF-style packet submission tournament, and all teams in the area are strongly encouraged to enter. I have not yet decided on whether open teams can register, but if you have any interest in playing e-mail me: cfrankel (at) Basic fees are: First team: $100 Each additional team: $80 Working buzzer discount: -$10/buzzer Minimum fee per team: $60 Travel discounts are also available at my discretion. Packets: All A and B teams are expected to submit a packet in order to play. B teams may ask for an exemption if all of the team members are first year players. Each packet must be 25/25 (tossups/bonuses) and be around ACF Regionals-level in difficulty. It goes without saying that questions must be balanced and diverse in the subjects they cover (e.g. don't write all your lit questions on Shakespeare and don't make every question pertain to Civil War-era culture and events). Low quality packets may be returned for revision. The distribution is: Lit: 5/5 History: 5/5 Science: 5/5 Religion/Myth/Philosophy: 3/3 Fine Arts: 2/2 Social Science/Geography: 2/2 Trash/Current Events: 1/1 Your Choice: 2/2 (1/1 or more must be on academic subjects) Tossups must average 6-7 lines in 12 point Times New Roman font. Bonuses must have no more than 6 prompts, contain no more than 6 lines of total clues and have leadins of no more than 2 lines. The followin g types of bonuses are not acceptable: all or nothing bonuses, list/ordering bonuses, binary bonuses, and "physical challenge" bonuses. 30-20-10 bonuses are strongly discouraged, if you must write one, the maximum allowed is one. As for formatting: please write all questions in 12 point T.N.R. font in Microsoft Word, use single space, and do not use any fancy formatting, tabs, indents, or numbering. Acceptable parts of answers should be emboldened and underlined, and titles and foreign words should be italicized. If the formatting isn't reasonably close to what I'm asking for, I reserve the right to return packets for revision. Sample Tossup: 1. Hardest clue, hard clue, medium clue, easier clue, For 10 points, giveaway clue. ANSWER: something (underlined and in bold of course) Sample Bonus: 1. Leadin, For X points each: (X) Bonus prompt. ANSWER: something (underlined, bold) (X) Next prompt. ANSWER: some other thing (X) Final Prompt. ANSWER: someone Deadlines are as follows: March 5: -$30 March 19: -$20 March 26: $-10 April 2: no penalty April 9: +$15 April 16: +$30 After April 16: +$50 and a team may only enter at my discretion. E-mail me at cfrankel (at) to register or ask any questions. -Chris Frankel -Princeton College Bowl
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