My thanks to Raj for getting the basics up last night while infants
blocked my cable modem.
I'll post the full team and individual stats Monday, but here's the
skinny on the top four teams:
Broward A 13-0 385 ppg with 287 TU heard (19.3 bonus conversion)
Valencia Red 11-2 307.7 ppg with 290 TUH (16.68 bonus)
Palm Beach A 10-3 292.7 ppg with 285 TUH (16.32 bonus)
Central Fl A 9-4 225 ppg with 277 TUH (14.72 bonus)
I want to thank an excellent group of readers and scorers, and an
excellent stats person, Lena Phelps of South Florida CC. We were
able to play 14 rounds, have lunch and an awards ceremony, starting
at 10:15 a.m. and finishing at 6:30. That's pretty good efficiency.
More to come Monday.