Georgetown University College Bowl is looking for volunteers to help
us moderate the 2004 NAQT Maryland HS Championship next Saturday,
February 28, 2004 on the GU campus in Washington, DC. It will be
a "you read, we feed" deal, including breakfast, lunch, drinks/snacks
during the day, although we can make extra considerations for anyone
coming from a long distance.
We are currently in need of a number of moderators, so if you are
interesting in helping us out, please email us at gtowncb AT yahoo
DOT com (gtowncb_at_...).
Also, if any volunteers can donate a buzzer for the day, we could use
an extra one or two as a spare, since we're at 17 teams/9 buzzers at
the moment. We will compensate you the normal discount fee for
Georgetown University College Bowl