I don't think anyone has mentioned it on here, but a young man who plays
QB at Arkansas has had a severe health crisis. His name is Phillip
Reason. He was very active in high school and was playing at U of A
this year as a freshman. His mother is also active on the Arkansas high
school quiz bowl circuit, and most of us who have played there in the
last several years know the family. I am not sure as to the details,
but Thanksgiving weekend he had several seizures and is now in a coma.
He is only 19 and the doctors are not sure if he will ever recover.
This is a very hard time for the family, as they are having to make some
of the most difficult decisions any of us could imagine. Though I
realize only a few people from this region might know Phillip and his
family, I'm sure that they would appreciate prayers from everyone. If
anyone would like an address to send cards or the like, contact me at
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