This is just a request for any schools to send teams to the Sun-N-
Fun/Beer Bowl 4 mirrors, I will need a confirmation by March 10th.
The following schools have confirmed/are planning on coming to the
mirrors at the U of Iowa March 20-21:
School | Sun-N-Fun | Beer Bowl 4
Truman State 2 2
U of MN ? ?
Notre Dame 2 2
Monmouth ? ?
Carleton ? ?
ISU 1 ?
U of Iowa 0-1 0-1
Assuming each '?' = 0-1 team, we currently have 7-10 teams for
Saturday's Sun-N-Fun (Academic) and 5-9 teams for Sunday's Beer Bowl
4 (trash).
If you would like to add your school to the teams listed above, there
is still time! But I would like to hear from anyboby planning to
come hasn't yet contacted me by at least March 10th.
++Andrew Juhl
dr_pookman [at] yahoo [dot] com