Registration for the 5th annual Sun 'n Fun Quiz-in is progressing
nicely of late (see below). We now have 12 teams signed up, and a
few other "maybes" in the wings.
Please remember to get your packets to me ASAP (today is the last
day to submit without penalty). It's not about the fines for late
packets, it's more about the editor having enough time to do a
decent editing job before the tourney! See for packet guidelines.
Room Change
Registration will still take place in the first floor "commons" area
of the Phyllis Marshall Center. However, our main room will be Rm
106 instead of Rm 101 as stated earlier. This is directly across
the commons area from Rm 101 for those who are familiar with our
tournaments. We will be playing in MC Rms 001, 006, 106, 129, 130,
131, and 132.
Registered Teams as of 3/3/04
1. Florida A
2. Florida B
3. Valencia CC Red
4. Valencia CC Black
5. Central Fla CC A
6. Central Fla CC B
7. Hillsborough CC
8. South Florida CC
9. Deland HS
10. FAU Ad Hoc
11. Manatee CC
12. USF