--- In quizbowl_at_yahoogroups.com, grapesmoker <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
> --- In quizbowl_at_yahoogroups.com, valhalla12 <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
> > No, I dont mean the Stanford archive, which I know about, I mean
> the
> > archive for old tournament results from 93-99 or 2000 that Berkeley
> > had at one point before they switched websites about 2-3 times in
> the
> > last year.
> I maintain the site and I have the archive somewhere on my hard
> drive. I took it offline because there didn't seem to be any big
> demand for it, but since there is, I'll find it and put it back.
> Look for it in a couple days; the site, for those who don't know, is
> www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~quizbowl.
> Jerry
Thanks. I don't know if there is actually any demand for it outside of
me, but the thought is much appreciated. Thanks again