Hello everyone--
I know it is early still, but I have received only 2 sets of questions thus far and I'd like
to re-encourage people to get going on the Nationals packets, both to take advantage
of the discounts and to make the editing crew's life easier.
I'd also like to amend the 30/30 packet requirement prescribed by the ACF website,
although I prefer having more questions to work with I will consider a packet
complete if you send me 26/26 *quality* questions (ie. you can eliminate one each of
the science/history/ and lit requirements and another extra question of your choice).
And if you have any questions about writing your packet please, please email me and
I'll be glad to clarify things.
Finally, and unless people protest vehemently, I've decided that after the Nationals
madness is over that I will post the submitted and final packets for Regionals this
year. I think that this will be a good way to promote productive discussion about the
future of ACF specifically and question writing on the circuit in general.
Ezequiel Berdichevsky
Head Editor, ACF Nationals