Since I'm the one who asked for it, I'll thank the Berkeley folks for
putting up the old newsletters. There actually was another section
with old tournament results themselves(not in the form of
newsletters), that I was looking for. However, anything in the
interests of quizbowl history would work. I think a central archive
on that would be an awesome idea. Thanks again.
--- In, grapesmoker <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
> For those people who wanted to see the old tournament results, I
> have restored them to the Berkeley page. As far as I am aware, the
> results existed only in the context of the ACF Newsletter, which is
> no longer being published. The link to get there is
> Some of them may
> in a wierd font or too small, and I'll try to correct that, but
> that's all I've got.
> As for the proposal, I think it might be nice to have a central
> archive with tournament records. If people are interested in this,
> I'm willing to put one together this summer and include it in the
> Berkeley page.
> Jerry