We'd just like to remind everybody that Johns Hopkins is planning on
hosting a trash tournament next Saturday, March 27. For the original
announcement, see message #14043. While we're planning on running
the tournament in some modified form (double round-robin or
something of the like) if need be, we'd rather find a few more teams
to run it the way we were planning. Since the real fun in college
bowl is having bigger tournaments, as an added incentive to join the
fray we're reducing any entry fee by $20/team. (This reduced price
is of course offered retroactively to any team that has already
registered--and can be applied to whatever price you would have
originally paid under the terms in the original announcement.)
Please e-mail us ASAP at nosborn3[at]jhu[dot]edu to register your
team today, or if you have any questions. Thanks a lot.