It's not as low as the time that Ed Cohn had the wardrobe malfunction
which led to the entire board being exposed to his right bosom... for
Now if it had been Subash...
--- In, "Matt Weiner"
<darwins_bulldog1138_at_y...> wrote:
> > What in the hell is wrong with you? What exactly has caused
> > you, fairly recently, to become so knee-jerk reactionary as
> > to hurl blatant one-line insults at any format that isn't
> > your favorite and any person who enjoys those formats?
> > When I knew you personally, I didn't think you were quite this
much of a
> complete ass. If on the other hand, it's
> > due to psychological problems, I suggest you get
> > counseling; it helped me a few years ago.
> You heard it here first, folks. Anyone who disagrees with Doug
O'Neal must
> be crazy.
> This is really a new low even for this board.