Here are the fees and whatnot for the tournament:
Base Fee: $100
2nd, +$20 each (must write own packet and insure packet
Packet in before 11-59-59 June 6, 2004: -$15
Packet in before 11-59-59 June 13, 2004: -$10
Packet in before 11-59-59 June 20, 2004: no discount
All packets due by 11-59-59 June 20, 2004, unless prior arrangements
have been made
Buzzer: -$5
Reader: -$5
Minimum fee (with all discounts maxed out): $75 for one team
Packet Requirements (22 TU/boni total):
TU/boni 1 - 10: Academic
2 History (1 US 1 World)
2 Lit
2 Science
2 Geography or other social sciences
1 Current Events
1 Misc
(plus 1 extra question- "writer's choice." Can be on any academic
topic they choose)
TU/boni 11 - 20: Trash
2 TV (1 pre/post 1975)
2 Music (1 pre/post 1970)
2 Movies (1 pre/post 1970)
2 Sports (1 from each sport)
1 "Trash Lit"
1 Misc (trash-ography, consumerism, etc.)
(Plus 1 extra question- "writer's choice-" sci-fi rule still applies*)
*Sci-Fi Rule: As sci-fi/fantasy can transcend any of these
categories, there can be only one (1) sci-fi related TU and Bonus in
the trash section of the packet.
The Jekyll "foul out rule" may be used, but I havnt decided yet.
So far, we have two schools interested:
Georgia (duh)
Macon State
Any questions about the tournament or the requirements, etc, please
feel free to email me.