For those looking ahead, here is UTC's tentative schedule for the
rest of 2004. For all of the above, we will be seeking mirror sites,
question swap partners, freelance contributors, and plenty of antacid.
Sat., June 12 -- NAQT HS NCT Mirror (open academic)
Sun., June 13 -- Send Charlie's Kids to Summer Camp (open trash,
packet submission)
Sat., Aug. 7 -- Muck Masters (open trash, packet submission)
Sun., Aug. 8 -- Moc Masters (open academic, packet submission)
Sat., Oct. 16 -- Center of the Known Universe Open (collegiate
academic, packet submission)
Sun., Oct. 17 -- Big Lots Clearance Open (open trash, mirror of
Sat.-Sun., Dec. 4-5 -- TrashMasters (open trash, packet submission)
We will also host our fall high school tournament, Trevor's Trivia:
Bob Selcer Memorial, on either Oct. 9 or Oct. 23. Further details on
all of the above will follow once we've confirmed dates, secured
facilities, negotiated with partner and mirror sites, lined up
babysitting, etc.