NATSSO II: Undecided Subtitle Announcement It please me to announce the second in what has officially become an annual Georgia Tech event, the North Avenue Trade School Summer Open, vol. 2: Undecided Subtitle, to be held on campus July 17th of 2004. WHEN: July 17th. Registration will being at 9:30 in Tannenbaum Auditorium. Please note that this date and time is subject to the approval of Georgia Tech, and that I cannot reserve space until the summer semester starts. Such being the case, this may change (although hopefully not). WHERE: Georgia Tech campus, in the Instructional Center. This is where all our tournaments are held. ELIGIBILITY: Being an open tournament, anything animate or that can be construed to be animate is eligible to play in the tournament. If you want to play but can't find a team, just e-mail me and I'll try to put together a bastard team if there are enough free agents. FEES: NATSSO II, like its older brother, will be packet submission. The following is the discount structure: $100 base fee -$25 Packet received by May 22 -$15 Packet received by June 12 $0 Packet received by July 10 +$10 Packet received by July 17 +$20 No packet -$10 Working buzzer system This year, like last year, the tournament packets will be free to those who attend. DISTRIBUTION: A touchy point last year was the length of the required packets. This year I'm trimming things back to the more standard 25/25 following this distribution: History 5/5 US 2/2 European 1/1 Ancient/World 1/1 Literature 5/5 US/British 2/2 European 1/1 World/Ancient 1/1 Science 5/5 Biology 1/1 Chemistry 1/1 Physics 1/1 Other Science 1/1 Fine Arts 3/3 Painting/Sculpture 1/1 Music 1/1 Social Science 2/2 or 1/1 Geography 1/1 or 2/2 Religion/Myth/Phil. 3/3 Pop Culture 1/1 The subdistributions give the minimum number from those categories to be submitted. In the case where you have the extra questions, write it in the category you feel your weakest tossup in that distribution is in (ie, if your chemistry tossup sucks, write another chemistry tossup). GUIDELINES: What follows is the basic guidelines for the packet format and style I would like. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in your packet being returned to you with editor's notes and the polite request that you fix your mess. (i) All packets should be submitted in .rtf Rich Text format with the font in size 10 Times New Roman in the default page margins. (ii) Tossups should not exceed five lines of text, and each bonus part should not exceed two lines of text. (iii) Boldface the minimum acceptable answer for each question. Tab over once then begin with "Answer:" ie: Answer: _Oedipus at Colonus_ (iv) All packets should be accompanied by a witty, offensive or otherwise team name and a list of people on that team. The actual packet should be sent by the official contact for that team, so I'm not sending excessive e-mails like I did last year. (v) As an imperial declaration, there shall be no tossups nor bonuses that have Oedipus at Colonus as an answer, nor require knowledge of the content of the play. So it is written, so it shall be. Edit and addendum: Apologies for deleting the original post, but here is a quick addition. Question difficulty should be similar to last year's NATSSO and this year's MLK. Packets that I deem too hard will be returned, so err on the side of caution. CONTACT: All packets, questions, requests, comments and threats of violence, both physical and emotional, should be directed to me, Stephen Webb, at sdwebb91984 at yahoo dot com. Many thanks all, and I look forward to seeing some of you come June. Stephen Webb Tournament Director NATSSO II: Undecided Subtitle
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