Hello all-
It is my pleasure to announce ACF Nationals 2005, which will be held
on the weekend of April 2nd, 2005. The head editor for the tournament
will be Mr. Andrew Yaphe, and I will be serving as the tournament
At the moment, we want to settle two issues:
1) Hosting. We need a good central location for the tournament. If you
would like to make a bid to host ACF Nationals, please email me at
plitwak at umich dot edu.
2) Length of tournament. This year, partially due to travel
constraints, the tournament was run in one day. In the past, the
tournament had been run in two days. We are again taking a poll in
order to decide which it will be. If you have thoughts on that matter
and are planning on attending the tournament next year, you can also
email me at the above address.
Thats all for now. Hope to see many of you there!
Paul Litvak