Hello all: Due to 1) the likely boredom that will result from my being on-campus this summer, 2) my desire to hold a summer tournament, and 3) my evident lack of creativity, I'd like to announce the first annual Potru Prize tournament, a blatant rip-off of Michigan's Kidder Cup that will take place on Saturday, June 12, 2004, at the University of Illinois on our scenic campus here in Urbana-Champaign. Like the Kidder Cup, this tournament is open to all who wish to enter, but it will be a 2-on-2 event instead of 1-on-1 (to split up the packet-writing), although one-person teams are certainly welcome. It will be packet-submission, and the same kind of "guerrilla editing" will be used to edit out repeats between rounds. However, this tournament will not run like MLK: instead, it will be untimed 20/20 mACF, hopefully somewhere between ACF Fall and Regionals level (although closer to the former would be *MUCH* preferred). So those of you who (like me) complain about the Kidder distribution having too much trash, too much current events, or too much geography, this is the tournament for you. The playoff packets will be written by yours truly, although I'll probably ask Sorice and/or Andrew and/or Dom for some help, unless they want to play. I'm sorry to say that there will have to be some kind of fee, because UIUC doesn't like giving me rooms for free. But I honestly don't think it'll amount to more than $20 per team at absolute maximum. If you're worried about hotel costs and the like, you're welcome to sleep on the sofas/futon/floor at my apartment, and parking in Urbana is free. Question Info: Each packet will need at least 24/24 total to account for possible repeats. Distribution: 4/4 History 4/4 Literature 4/4 Science 3/3 Religion, Myth, and Philosophy 3/3 Fine Arts 2/2 Social Science 1/1 Geography 1/1 Trash 1/1 Spelling* 1/1 Computational Math* 1/1 Your Choice (except for Spelling/Computational Math) * - I was sorry to see that there were no spelling or computational math questions in collegiate quizbowl, so I'm trying to bring them back. Actually no, I'm not, but I think they're an interesting addition to any tournament. If you're really averse to them and you don't think they're well written, you're free to bury them at the back of your packet, although this is in no way officially endorsed. For those of you who have never written a spelling tossup before, it goes something like: Originating in Babylonian creation stories, it occurs a section of the Baal myth, but also appears in Psalms 74:14 and Isaiah 27:1 as a sea monster symbolizing the enemies of Israel that will be slain by God. Also naming a famous work by Thomas Hobbes, FTP, spell the word "Leviathan." Answer: _L-E-V-I-A-T-H-A-N_ And here's a sample bonus (which is, by the way, the only six-part bonus format allowed at this tournament): Spell the following words from definitions for 10, or from the word itself for 5. 1. (10) Considered by Josh Hill to be his alter ego or alternative personality or something, this is a member of the cat family that is often orange with black stripes. (5) tiger Answer: _T-I-G-E-R_ 2. (10) You're on the campus of one right now. Other examples include one "of Michigan", one "of Texas", and Harvard. (5) university Answer: _U-N-I-V-E-R-S-I-T-Y_ 3. (10) Originally used by Maryland, this term denotes a desire to win based on both hatred of losing and hatred of other teams. A "transfigured" version of it was a subtitle for the 2003 Illinois Open. (5) spite Answer: _S-P-I-T-E_ For those of you who have never written a computational math tossup before, it's the only place you can use "FAQTP", or "for a quick ten points": Pencil and paper ready. FAQTP, what is 95 times 24? You have ten seconds. Answer: _2280_ Sample bonus: Evaluate the following integrals, FTPE. 1. (10) sin x dx Answer: _negative cosine of x + constant_ 2. (10) e to the x dx Answer: _e to the x + constant_ 3. (10) x dx, from 5 to 6 Answer: _11/2_ or _5.5_ PLEASE keep all tossups under six lines in MS Word with standard 1" margins and 10-point font. In addition, please keep all bonus parts under two lines in length. Well, I can't really think of anything else at the moment, so that's about it. Please contact me (potru at uiuc dot edu) with any questions or if you want to register. Thanks for actually reading all of this, and I hope to see you in Urbana-Champaign on June 12! Sincerely, Sudheer Potru Vice-President, UIUC ABT Tournament Director, Potru Prize 2004
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