The original "Leviathan" example given _is_ a brutal hose, and the format
exemplified therein should definitely be avoided for spelling tossups.
The format of, ' "The Leviathan originated in Babylonian creation stories
... and is the name of a famous work by Thomas Hobbes. FTP, spell
"Leviathan" ' is OK--and CBI often used this format in my playing days. It
was a great joy when I learned to recognize the format and spell the desired
word--and a great morale-buster for opponents not expecting a spelling
The spelling questions I write for TV now are usually in the
"buzz-as-fast-as-possible" round, so I often use the format, "FTP--spell the
word "posthumous" [POSS-choo-muss], meaning "after you're dead."
best, Bryce Avery
President, Avery Enterprises
(800) 387-3098, x13
"Always remember: wherever you go, there you are."
-- Buckaroo Banzai
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