> 2. Can someone explain to me how A&M is more than 20 points ahead
> Illinois when we've beaten them two out of three times (splitting
> with their grad team at ACF Regionals and then beating their
> undergrad team by almost 400 at ICT)?
Because a lot of people don't look at stats when they fill out their
polls (like a lot of college coaches and writers). Frankly there's
a couple teams on either the poll or the remainder list I wouldn't
have voted for but everyone has subjective criteria for what makes a
team better than another, but it seems likely that even an objective
person would consider A&M's 3rd place at ACF nats more impressive
than being the top undergrad team at ICT as UIUC's performance
wasn't top 5 at either.
Or maybe they all smoke crack, who knows?