Cornell Tournament 2004 (Offensive name not yet determined) Tentative date: October 2nd, 2004 Tournament Editor: Scott Francis Tournament Director: Peter Onyisi Difficulty: For submitted packets, aim for ACF fall difficulty, but feel free to throw in some harder questions. The playoff packets will be harder. Format: (assuming 11 teams or less): Initial round robin, then break into top and bottom brackets, round robins again, championship if necessary (if there is a tie or if top team is ahead by one). Fee: $100 for the first team, $80 dollars for all subsquent teams Packet in by: September 4th = -30 September 11th = -15 September 18th = No penalty After September 18th and before September 23rd: +15 After September 23rd and before September 26th: +30 September 26th or later: +50, if I let you play at all Best packets (awarded to 3 teams): -5 Buzzer system: -10 Experienced moderator: -10 Trip between 300 and 600 miles (one-way): -10 Trip over 600 miles: -20 First time at Cornell tournament: -10 Minimum fee: $50 Every team is required to write a packet, except for C teams and lower. I will also grant exemptions to teams composed entirely of players with less than two full years of experience and to other teams who have legitimate reasons for not being able to write a packet. If you feel you have a legitimate reason, email me about it. Distribution (25/25) 5/5 Literature: No more than 2/2 English language lit, no more than 2/2 biography, no more than 1/1 from same nation or civilization 5/5 History: No more than 2/2 military, no more than 2/2 biography, no more than 1/1 from same nation or civilization. 5/5 Science: No more than 1/1 biography, at least 1/1 each of biology, chemistry and physics 2/2 RMP: No more than 1/1 from same belief system 2/2 Art: No more than 1/1 of any one medium 2/2 Social science 1/1 Music: Maximum 1 biography question 1/1 Geography 1/1 Trash or current events 1/1 Your choice If you want to write 1/1 less in one category and 1/1 more in another, go ahead, but only do it once. I had to do a lot of tedious style editing last year, so I'm not going to stand for deviations this year. I'm very explicit as to the styling, so any packet which violates the principles I am about to clarify will be promptly returned for correcting, and will not be accepted until corrected. Formatting: Send a Word or RTF file in Times New Roman 12 point. If you are incapable of sending either a Word or an RTF file, let me know and we'll work something out. Separate tossups from bonuses. DO NOT randomize the packet, and do not number questions. Just send them in the order of the distribution requirement. At the top of each packet, be certain to include your team name and the names of the packet authors in the following manner: Packet by Douchebag A (Jimmy Douchebag, Cornelius Douchenozzle, John Mayer, Richard Reid) Shoot for 7 or 8 line tossups and 2 line bonus parts. Sample tossup: On the way to ACF Nationals 2003, Scott had to sit next to her on a plane and listen to her read a comic book and squeal about its intertextuality. In 2003, she learned that she could no longer write her doctoral thesis on the Icelandic sagas because an Icelander in her very department was writing a thesis on the very same thing. She promptly decided to write her thesis on her other favorite subject, Harry Potter slash. However, quiz bowl players probably most closely associate her with writing the first verses of Beowulf on the board at tournaments. For ten points, name this annoying linguistics grad student at Cornell. ANSWER: _Evelyn_ Ellen Browne Note that the phrase "For ten points" is not abbreviated, that "ANSWER" is in all caps, and that the necessary information in the answer is set off with underscores (it should be underlined and in bold in the packet you send to me). Sample bonus: Name these terms for unwanted persons, 5-10-15. [5] This all-purpose word for a persona non grata shares its name with a feminine hygiene product manufactured by Summer's Eve. ANSWER: _Douchebag_ [10] This is a specialized term for a douchebag who lets words spray out of his mouth like diseased feces. ANSWER: _Douchenozzle_ [15] In The Emogame 2, this guitar-playing wussy attacks you in Abercrombie and Fitch with his flying douchebag. ANSWER: John _Mayer_ Note that the point values of each question part are set in brackets before the question text. Note also that the answer lines are identical to those of tossups, and that other possible answers are set aside in parentheses. Promptable or non-promptable answers should also be set aside in parentheses with the necessary clarification. If anyone wants to swap packets or freelance, let me know ASAP. If you want to attend, I'd prefer to know by Mid-September at the absolute latest. I'm expecting around 10 teams, but I'd be happy to have more. Oh, and if you have a tournament name you think might be clever, let me know. To contact me, email me at smf38_at_... (smf38 at cornell dot edu). Scott Francis, Editor
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