> Well, except that now Hroswitha's got publicity, so you might as well
> write all the questions you want.
Giving out points based on reading the message board seems horribly unfair.
Likewise, the "people have been answering Hildegard forever, they should
expect the canon to expand towards more obscure medieval female authors"
justification...it's incestuous and prohibitive to new players. Tossups need
to be accessible to the whole field, not just "people who get their
knowledge from old packets."
As for the relevance of "should know"...if the authors really did expect
people to know that, and made an honest mistake, then they are blameless,
but it doesn't mean the question itself wasn't over the line
difficulty-wise. Just how are we supposed to define what is too hard for a
tournament outside of "stuff nobody at the tournament knows?"