The University of Rochester's Thelion Society would like to announce
that we will be holding the 2nd Annual Frederick Douglass
Invitational Championship in beautiful Rochester, NY on September
25, 2004. As per last year, we will be using an invitational series
of questions from NAQT. This tournament is an opportunity for new
members of the quizbowl society to participate in a tournament early
in the year which runs on questions accessible to both newbies and
veterans. We do, in fact, encourage more experienced teams and/or
players to come, though the questions might be slightly on the easy
side for them. This way, we can introduce the new players to
collegiate-level questions and collegiate-level competition at the
same time.
If you're interested in attending this year's FDIC, please send an
email to quizbowl_at_... (quizbowl at mail dot rochester
dot edu). This is by no means binding, we're just looking to see
what level of interest there is. Tournament fees and more details
will be posted sometime in the near-to-distant future. We hope to
see many of you in September
-Dan Blake
President UR Thelion Society & FDIC Tournament Director