This is a preliminary announcement for ACF Fall 2004 which will take
place October 30th 2004. This year's editing team will consist of
Subash Maddipoti and myself. Anyone who is interested in hosting
the tournament please email us (suby10_at_... and
bigc7233_at_...) with the pertinent information (how many staff
you will have, how many teams you can handle, etc). The deadline
for submission of bids to host will be Aug 15th. A more detailed
announcement will be made sometime in early June giving a detailed
distribution and packet deadlines. What follows is a preliminary
and general distribution for those who want to get a start on their
packets; the first discount deadline will likely be sometime in the
middle of August.
Literature 5/5
History 5/5
Science 5/5
Religion/Myth/Philosophy 3/3
Fine Arts 3/3
Geography/Social Sciences 2/2
More "Big Three" (science, lit, history) 2/2
Your Choice (this can be trash if you want) 1/1
Total 26/26
We are not yet sure if there will be any packet exemptions for
novice teams and are leaning toward making all teams write at least
1/3 of a packet, but this will be ironed out and explained in more
detail in the full announcement.
Thank you,
Matt Cvijanovich
co-editor ACF Fall 2004