With Maize Pages migration to its new home (http://www.collegequizbowl.org),
I decided it was also time to update the whole of the Maize Pages. Not just
the directory this time (although, again, if you have team contact updates,
please feel free to keep those coming), no, I am talking about the whole of
the portal.
One of my plans for the summer is to go through and modernize and upgrade
the Maize Pages. Because Maize Pages was originally designed to be a site
that provides a centralized portal for most major collegiate quiz bowl
information, I felt it would be a tremendous help to me and to the quality
of the Maize Pages to solicit suggestions of sites that TMP should be
linking to, ways to make the updates to the pages more efficient, or ideas
of things to add to the site. Just email me at cdbarker at collegequizbowl
dot org with your suggestions.
Thanks in advance for any help you may provide.
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