In addition to the packet submission schedules database by David Thorsley
and the continued migration of Maize Pages, I am proud to announce another
new feature to
Inspired by a combination of comments by players and easily added web tools,
I have begun a rudimentary tournament calendar function at:
I have added some of the tournaments that I have found in Yahoo!
announcements, but I know everything is not there (it is not a comment, I
just wanted a starting point.) If you'd like to add a tournament, try it
out and see what happens.
The only way the calendar will work is if people use it. I'll do my best to
snag announcements off Maize Pages, but I am just one person. The more
effort that is made to add events to the calendar, the more functional it
will be for all players.
If you see ideas for improving this, or if this will even work, please let
me know in email cdbarker at collegequizbowl-dot-org.
Craig D. Barker
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